Analytics Reports

The following table lists some of the metrics and descriptions for the analytics reports available to BC OnLine Account consumers.


API ErrorssumThe total number of times an API failed over the specified time period.
Total Response Timesum, avg, min, maxThe amount of time (sum, average, minimum, or maximum), in milliseconds, from when the Gateway receives a request from a client to when the Gateway sends the response back to the client.
TrafficsumThe total number of API calls processed by the Gateway in the specified time period.
Response Status CodeThe HTTP response status code forwarded from the Gateway to the client, such as 200, 404, 503, and so on.
Request PathThe resource path (not including the domain) to the target service, excluding query parameters.

Reports List

Here is a list of the analytics reports. All reports are available as both daily and weekly date and time intervals. Content in this section will be updated over time.

Traffic by Response StatusCount by HTTP status response code for an individual API within a time interval.
Traffic by IntervalA more detailed breakdown of traffic for a given API within a time period. Either by hour for a daily report, or by day for a weekly report.
Traffic By Request PathA more detailed breakdown of traffic for a given API within a time period. Activity by request path and verb.
Average Response TimeA more detailed breakdown of average response times in seconds for a given API within a time period. Either by hour for a daily report, or by day for a weekly report.


Below are some examples of analytics report data. Content in this section will be updated over time.

Traffic by Response Status

JSON Output

  "startTimestamp": "08/03/2020 00:00",
  "endTimestamp": "08/10/2020 00:00",
  "dimensions": "apiproxy,response_status_code",
  "timeUnit": "week",
  "metric": "sum(message_count)",
  "values": [{
    "dimension": "ppr-apiproxy,400",
    "metric": "1.0"
    "dimension": "ppr-apiproxy,500",
    "metric": "1.0"
    "dimension": "ppr-apiproxy,201",
    "metric": "2.0"

CSV Output

08/03/2020 00:00,08/10/2020 00:00,ppr-apiproxy,400,1.0
08/03/2020 00:00,08/10/2020 00:00,ppr-apiproxy,201,2.0
08/03/2020 00:00,08/10/2020 00:00,ppr-apiproxy,500,1.0

Traffic by Interval

JSON Output

  "startTimestamp": "08/11/2020 00:00",
  "endTimestamp": "08/12/2020 00:00",
  "dimensions": "apiproxy",
  "timeUnit": "hour",
  "metric": "sum(message_count)",
  "values": [{
        "dimension": "ppr-apiproxy",
        "timestamp": "08/11/2020 12:00",
        "metric": "9.0"
        "dimension": "ppr-apiproxy",
        "timestamp": "08/11/2020 11:00",
        "metric": "9.0"
        "dimension": "ppr-apiproxy",
        "timestamp": "08/11/2020 10:00",
        "metric": "8.0"
        "dimension": "ppr-apiproxy",
        "timestamp": "08/11/2020 09:00",
        "metric": "9.0"
        "dimension": "ppr-apiproxy",
        "timestamp": "08/11/2020 08:00",
        "metric": "17.0"

CSV Output

start_timestamp, end_timestamp,apiproxy,hour,sum(message_count)
08/11/2020 00:00,08/12/2020 00:00,ppr-apiproxy,08/11/2020 08:00,17.0
08/11/2020 00:00,08/12/2020 00:00,ppr-apiproxy,08/11/2020 09:00,9.0
08/11/2020 00:00,08/12/2020 00:00,ppr-apiproxy,08/11/2020 10:00,8.0
08/11/2020 00:00,08/12/2020 00:00,ppr-apiproxy,08/11/2020 11:00,9.0
08/11/2020 00:00,08/12/2020 00:00,ppr-apiproxy,08/11/2020 12:00,9.0

Traffic By Request Path

JSON Output

  "startTimestamp": "08/11/2020 00:00",
  "endTimestamp": "08/12/2020 00:00",
  "dimensions": "request_path,request_verb",
  "timeUnit": "day",
  "metric": "sum(message_count)",
  "values": [{
    "dimension": "/ppr/api/v1/drafts/D0034001,GET",
    "metric": "6.0"
    "dimension": "/ppr/api/v1/financing-statements/023001B/discharges,POST",
    "metric": "6.0"
    "dimension": "/ppr/api/v1/financing-statements,POST",
    "metric": "6.0"
    "dimension": "/ppr/api/v1/financing-statements/023011B/changes,POST",
    "metric": "6.0"
    "dimension": "/ppr/api/v1/searches,POST",
    "metric": "6.0"
    "dimension": "/ppr/api/v1/searches/1294371,PUT",
    "metric": "5.0"
    "dimension": "/ppr/api/v1/drafts,POST",
    "metric": "6.0"
    "dimension": "/ppr/api/v1/drafts,GET",
    "metric": "6.0"
    "dimension": "/ppr/api/v1/financing-statements/023001B/amendments,POST",
    "metric": "5.0"

CSV Output

start_timestamp, end_timestamp,request_path,request_verb,sum(message_count)
08/11/2020 00:00,08/12/2020 00:00,/ppr/api/v1/financing-statements/023001B/discharges,POST,6.0
08/11/2020 00:00,08/12/2020 00:00,/ppr/api/v1/drafts,GET,6.0
08/11/2020 00:00,08/12/2020 00:00,/ppr/api/v1/drafts/D0034001,GET,6.0
08/11/2020 00:00,08/12/2020 00:00,/ppr/api/v1/financing-statements,POST,6.0
08/11/2020 00:00,08/12/2020 00:00,/ppr/api/v1/financing-statements/023011B/changes,POST,6.0
08/11/2020 00:00,08/12/2020 00:00,/ppr/api/v1/searches/1294371,PUT,5.0
08/11/2020 00:00,08/12/2020 00:00,/ppr/api/v1/drafts,POST,6.0
08/11/2020 00:00,08/12/2020 00:00,/ppr/api/v1/searches,POST,6.0
08/11/2020 00:00,08/12/2020 00:00,/ppr/api/v1/financing-statements/023001B/amendments,POST,5.0


  • How to subscribe to analytics reports.
  • How to publish analytics reports to invidual BC OnLine accounts.
  • What to charge for analytics reports.