API Access Request Instructions

New Users

Follow these steps to complete your API access requests.

  1. You will need a BC OnLine account. If you do not have one already, you can request one here. Payment information is provided as part of your BC OnLine account set up. API service fee charges will be applied to your BC OnLine account.
  2. Submit an API access request and setup your account here. As part of the access request, you need to provide your BC OnLine account Id and which APIs you want to use. Link and further instructions to be provided.
  3. When you receive approval for your access request, legally sign your Terms of Use agreement.
  4. After signing your access request agreement, you will receive an API key with TEST access and instructions on how to maintain it. You can then start using the BC Registries APIs. You will also receive information on how to request a PRODUCTION API key.

Existing Users

If you are already using a Registries API and want access to another one, follow the instructions to update your account here.